

The main characters and places are: Bisma (Bhishma - as in Indian Version) Who is the great grandfather of the Pandawas and Kurawas. King Pandu Dewanata (Pandu - In Indian Version) Father of the five Pandawas. Destarata (Dhritrashtra - In Indian Version) Eldest brother of King Pandu Dewanata who is blind and fathers 100 Kurawa brothers. Dewi Kunti (Kunti - In Indian Version) Mother of Yudistira, Bima and Arjuna and wife of Pandu Gendari (Gandhari - In Indian Version) Mother of Kauravas. Madrim (Madri - In Indian Version) Mother of the ashwin twins Nakula and Sadewa and wife of Pandu Karna (Karna - In Indian Version) The son of Kunti and the God Surya himself. He was faithful friend of Duryudana. Durna (Drona - In Indian Version) The great teacher and mahaguru to both the Kurawas and Pandawas. He was the father of Ashwatthama. Duryudana (Duryodhana - In Indian Version) Eldest Kurawa brother who wants to be the king and hates the Pandavas. He was a great warrior and a great friend. Sang...


In indonesian version the Kings and Queens were the descendant of Gods. The story begins at Batara Guru, who became the first king of the kingdom of 'Medang Kamulang'. It is often portrayed through the form of Javanese Wayang. A characteristic feature of the Indonesian Mahabharata is that it gives more autonomy to other characters apart from the main characters - Krishna, Arjuna, Bhisma, Duryodhana. In the Indonesian version of Mahabharata more is said about the character of Shalya etc.