The main characters and places are: Bisma (Bhishma - as in Indian Version) Who is the great grandfather of the Pandawas and Kurawas. King Pandu Dewanata (Pandu - In Indian Version) Father of the five Pandawas. Destarata (Dhritrashtra - In Indian Version) Eldest brother of King Pandu Dewanata who is blind and fathers 100 Kurawa brothers. Dewi Kunti (Kunti - In Indian Version) Mother of Yudistira, Bima and Arjuna and wife of Pandu Gendari (Gandhari - In Indian Version) Mother of Kauravas. Madrim (Madri - In Indian Version) Mother of the ashwin twins Nakula and Sadewa and wife of Pandu Karna (Karna - In Indian Version) The son of Kunti and the God Surya himself. He was faithful friend of Duryudana. Durna (Drona - In Indian Version) The great teacher and mahaguru to both the Kurawas and Pandawas. He was the father of Ashwatthama. Duryudana (Duryodhana - In Indian Version) Eldest Kurawa brother who wants to be the king and hates the Pandavas. He was a great warrior and a great friend. Sang...